The origin of the name Mashiyach
There has always been a Mashiyach in Scripture from Adam to Yeshua and its origin is Elohim and passed down to Adam, to be passed to the next inheritor. The word is descriptive as Preachers of Righteousness of which Noah was the 8th. The first identifiable label was given to Shem as the Prince of Salem, a King of Righteousness, who was called Mashiyach (Genesis 14:18).
However, this word Mashiyach is much more than a label. It is both physical but spiritual. it denotes someone chosen to lead the people of Elohim in Righteousness and to demonstrate the power of Elohim.
In general the name Mashiyach, being a Hebrew word, lacks clear understanding as does the word Messiah in the Greek. In western thinking the Mashiyach/Messiah is referring to the Christ, the anointed one and is used in connection with Jesus like a surname.Lately, it has become common to just say Jesus without any reference to, Mashiyach /Christ, as if that name contains all. Yeshua without Mashiyach, is just a man. Yeshua received power from on high that enabled him to perform the works of Elohim
It must be said upfront that the name Jesus Christ is of Greek development and and has little to do with who the Mashiyach/Messiah is. The word Christ is meaningless in the economy of Elohim’s Word. I do understand how they arrived at this name, by translation from Hebrew to Greek, then reduction to present acceptance, a bit convoluted, but still does not make it Scriptural.
There is one compelling reason that I say this. Elohim said in more than one place, “He will put His Name in Him.” For us to change the name of His Son who is anointed Mashiyach and expect Elohim to rubber stamp this change is nothing short of our supreme ignorance.
Again simply changing the name of Jesus to Yeshua does not cut it either because they are two different persona. One real and one embellished.
y design, this name Jesus is not Jewish, in any respect. Rather, it reflects a Greek god called Zeus. One example of name changes in the King James Bible, written 1611CE and using Greek translation, reading from Luke 4:27 Scripture says, “And there were many lepers in the house of Israel in the days of Eli-Zeus the prophet… In verse 25 it also speaks of Eliyahu who is Elijah the prophet. The name Eli-Zeus has been passed off as Elisha in later translation of New King James version.
Is this correct? If not then who exactly is Elizeus?
Elisha means prophet of Elohim and Eli-Zeus is god of Zeus. Another hybrid name is Ye-Zeus also known as Jesus. This type of interpreting in translation is misrepresentation of people makes it difficult for me to trust translations on face value. Paganism has been passed off through changing of words and implication that have been melded into Christianity.
In Hebrew a name reflects the character or nature of something. Names can also reflect a controlling spirit (Ephesians 3:10, 6:12). To call Elohim a foreign name is transferring to him to a foreign spirit. Yeshua said one of his disciples, “You no not what spirit you are.” The spirit will reflect the character of who we follow because everything is controlled by spirit. Therefore, it is most important to determine what spirit we are following.
However, using this name Jesus called the Christ, a new religion was melded over the early years years encouraged and built by the teaching of the heretics Marcion, Tertullian and Ignatius who in Christianity are revered as the founding fathers. In general, they strove to distance this sect from being or having Jewish connections. Being a gentile group of believers in Jesus Christ that kept voicing their belief and proclaiming a new thing they swayed many people (Christianity is seductive, wooing our need to worship) away from their rightful heritage.
A power grab
However, in reality it was the power of His Name that they wanted. Many people witnessed this power when miracles were performed in the name of Yeshua ha Mashiyach the Anointed of YHVH.
In Acts 8:9-24 Shim’on, a recent convert from the occult to Kristianity tried to buy the power that Phillip was exercising in the Name of Yeshua ha Mashiyach to perform miracles. Phillip seeing his duplicity rebuked him for wanting the power for himself to attract his own followers rather than give glory and esteem to Elohim YHVH.
A couple of centuries later it was Constantine, a Roman official who was a sun worshiper had a vision. In this vision light from the sun caught on something (a spirit ?) and that light formed a cross to his eyes. Not all visions are from Elohim and that is why we need to test the spirits. He then called the bishops/leaders/ people of influence of an emerging new religious movement using their own understanding of events of the death of Yeshua in Jerusalem to a Council in Nicaea in 325 CE. This gathering was called and it was where they wrote into creation the constitution of the Christian religion of whom Jesus Christ was made the second person of the godhead and he became God, the focal point of this new religion.
It must be said that after the death of Yeshua many gentile (non-Jews) believers attended meetings along with their friends. Gradually as the new sect took hold these faithful believers were very ill treated and hunted down.
Now because the Kristi-ans rejected Torah, saying it belonged to the Jews (a very big error because it belongs to YHVH Elohim), they disparaged something they did not understand. And in their haste to reject Torah, (this Torah is teaching, discipline instruction and guidance from YHVH) and its Jewishness in effect have discarded the ‘pearls’ of YHVH and cast them before swine. Many of their misdirects are in force today in churches or denominations and they are believed as gospel.
In Scripture the name Yehoshua, means Yah saves and it has been shortened to Yashua or Y’shua that is the correct name for the Son of Elohim who is erroneously called the Christ. He was never, ever, called Christ. His disciples in Antioch were called Kristi-ans meaning ‘little gods’, a derogatory term meant to mock and bring them down as they were doing what was instructed, by the Mashiyach, that is, healing the sick, casting out demons, that is, by the power of His Name in action by demonstration of His Word.
Christ is neither a last name nor family name. Christians use this name to describe Jesus whom they say has an anointing from God. When we superimpose a different name over an original name and claim the superimposed name as original with all the benefits then that name is defrauding people because it does not genuinely reflect or project the original person or their purpose. Rather a substitute is given and what we thought was the ‘real deal ‘ the Son of Elohim, is simply incorrect.
Opportunities present themselves and when the Council of Nicaea was called by Rome , the catholic religion which claims universality came into play. They claim Peter was the first pope and Rav Shaul the instigator of this new religion. However, untrue. This happened rather quickly and priests from the sun-god temple were placed over the people to appease Constantine’s new rule that everyone now had to become a Kristi-an. They, the occult priests were set in place to intervene between man and God through JC. The priests were superimposed over the Ahronic priesthood as is to this day. However, Christianity does acknowledge the death of the Son of Elohim and some claim Malki-tsedeq priesthood but it is not according to Scripture because it is impossible to mix impure with pure and expect perfection.
The Word of Elohim is “pure converting the soul.” (Psalm 119-140).
Rome outlawed Jews from Rome and Jerusalem and also the starting of any new religion, yet Constantine did just that. Jews were expelled and his new religion took hold. It was a time of brutality. Hebrews fighting amongst themselves and others simultaneously with their Roman oppressors. Jerusalem burned; a time of general unrest.
From a christian aspect I looked up reference books most commonly used by Christians to see what they had listed for Mashiyach/Messiah. I found two entries in Daniel 9:25,26 and in Greek, Massias a form for the word Messiah had only 2 entries listed, John 1:41,25. However, neither the word Messiah or Massias define what or who Mashiyach is.
Also in the Vines Dictionary of Bible Words it is Massias meaning consecrated and in the Vines Expository there is no mention of Messiah. This is not much to go on in terms of finding information about Mashiyach or Messiah.
To delve deeper into the Word of Elohim we need to go back to the original. Now some argue that Greek took over when they translated the Hebrew into Greek so the gentiles could understand what was written.
I believe this error comes from the Scripture interpretation the ‘fullness of the godhead is in him.” Colossian
The anointing of the Son
The person of Mashiyach is YHVH Himself. Y’shua/Jesus is covered, overshadowed, poured over, enveloped and filled by the Divine presence of YHVH.