When John was put in prison he asked this question of Y’shua, “Are you the Coming One or do we look for another?” Clearly all of Jerusalem was awaiting a Messiah/Redeemer/Deliverer who would rise up and free the people from the oppression of the Romans. Even Judas the betrayer tried to force this event by exposing Yeshua and trying to force Him to take action defending Himself against Rome. His plan backfired and by the time he realized what he had done by betraying Master Y’shua it seemed too late. His regret was so great: the money was returned and he died never seeking forgiveness for his action (Matthew 27:3).
The word Mashiyach is applied to Y’shua Ben Joseph and Y’shua Ben David. A prophecy or fore telling was given to two sons of Jacob to fulfill the promises given to their grand father Abraham.
To his son Ya’aqob (Jacob) and his son Judah/ Yehudah it says, “Yehudah is like a lion’s cub; from the prey you have gone up, my son! He bowed down, he crouched like a lion, who does rouse him?. The scepter shall not turn aside from Yehudah nor an Inscriber from between his feet 1until Shiloh comes and to Him is the obedience of the people.”
To Ya’acob’s son Joseph he said, “Joseph is an offshoot of a fruit bearing tree, and offshoot of a fruit bearing tree by a fountain, his branches run over a wall. The arches have bitterly grieved hands were made strong by the him, shot at him and hated him. But his bow remained in strength and the arms of his hands by the Mighty One of Jacob-from there is the Shepherd, the Stone of Israel.” (Genesis 49:8-10, 22-26).
So in these Scriptures we find that there is both 2a Shepherd and a King that can be found in Y’shua the Messiah/Mashiyach.
The answer to John’s question is found in Genesis 37,39-50. This mystery is revealed though the story of Joseph the eldest son of Rachel and Jacob. This story parallels and fore tells the story of the Suffering Servant (Isaiah 53), the Mashiyach who came to do His Father’s will.
Joseph was the favored son of Jacob to the extent that Jacob made him a long coat. A very costly coat signifying headship of the clan after the demise of Jacob. Joseph had dreams and visions that seemed to exalt him over his parents and brothers. The Yehudi were very jealous, resentful and angry and wanted to kill him for his up-tee-ness. There was a disagreement as to whether they should kill him or not. They decided to put him in a pit without water or food. Days later the brothers with the exception of Reuben sold him to slavers for pieces of silver as they were passing through Dothan on their way to Egypt. The brothers slew an animal, dipped the coat in blood and lied to their father saying was devoured by a wild beast also about the events of what happened to Yoseph. A cover up of gigantic proportions.
Similarly, Y’shua who was the First Born and much loved of His Father was titled to be Mashiyach. He came to His own people, they despised and rejected Him and cast Him into a pit/cave for 3 days. As Yoseph was drawn out of the pit Y’shua arose from the death chamber and was seen alive by those who followed Him.
Yoseph was kindly accepted in the house of Potiphar, an official in Pharaoh’s house until his wife falsified a report about him. He was put into prison, it is not recorded that he mounted a defense. After all he was a slave in the house of Potiphar. He found favour in the goal system, in fact he was noticed for his good work at the same time he continued to give interpretation to dreams (hope). His own dreams previously had revealed his future to him as they did to the baker and the wine taster but he had no idea how his were to come to pass. He kept asking to be noticed but was in fact ignored until Pharaoh had need of him. Then he was remembered.
Y’shua like Yoseph found favour with the people. Y’shua fed them physically and spiritually, taught them the Word of His Father, performed miracles of healings, raising the dead and appearing unexpectedly in various places. He was a breath of fresh air contrasted to the strict religious rules the people were subject to.
Again jealousy rears it ugly head. The religious leaders of the Pharisaic order needed to get rid of Him; He was threatening their position of power over the masses.
Yoseph was elevated from the position of slave and prisoner and his wisdom surpassed that of the ordinary and sorcerers that he was placed second in charge of Egypt only Pharaoh was above him. Yeshua also filled that position of honor of being sent from the Father to give us life.
There was a great famine in all the and it forced the brothers to go to Egypt for grain. Yoseph was unrecognizable to his brothers and they were in fear of him. Even today the majority of Jewish people do not recognize their brother Y’shua and so it was that until Yoseph was revealed to them by the exposure of their lies that they were forgiven. Similarly, our confession of sin is forgiven by the Father who will embrace us as His own.
- Until is very important phrase that will be explained later. Shiloh is an another name for the Mashiyach who is Yeshua, Emmanuel is also a prophecy of YHVH
- Shepherd and King are two roles that Yeshua will fulfill