beginning of changes
When we are born from above we are told we are new creations and everything about us is changed. However, it becomes clear that each part of us must change and that is not automatic or instantaneous. Firstly, it is our spirit that is revived from death to life. I would liken that to the children of Israel crossing from the desert into the promised land
(Joshua 1).
We are told to go and take the land from the inhabitants dwelling there. The inhabitants can be likened to our old habits that now contradict our new status of being born from above. At times we have been liars, thieves, drunkards, rebel rouses, monsters, and combinations of all the above and more. These are enemies to our soul must be overcome. They are bought before us by the Ruach ha kodesh and must be dealt of our selves. Yeshua defeated our enemies and we must take out the rubbish. Do be dismayed nor discouraged we are told because they are given into our hand for us to deal with.
Righteousness and sin are opposite and cannot dwell together. Therefore, one must go. As Joshua encountered many trials, battles and tribulations we are encouraged to keep pressing in by our Rewed Covenant writers, Peter, Paul, John, Matthew, Mark and other authors.
We also find our thinking starts to change and at the direction of the Ruach ha kodesh (the Holy Spirit) who begins to address the broken state of our soul and bodies. Not only should we expect healing of the flesh but also a change in spiritual direction. We are encouraged to think of heavenly things and leave earthly things in the dust where they belong (Matt 6:10).
Our minds are renewed by the washing of the Word. What or which Word? Yeshua and those living at that time only had the Scriptures of Torah. Everything after that is the experiences of those Scriptures being used daily in our lives. We are commanded by prophets, kings, believers, teachers, Elohim and Yeshua, time and time again to guard, hold fast and cling tightly to every word written in Torah. Those Words are our life.
We are told to be righteous and there is only one way to receive righteousness and that is by the Word. It is not apparent how this happens as it is a spiritual concept as with all things of Elohim. Yet, Elohim says that by continually reading and doing Torah, I believe an osmosis type of thing takes place. We become infused by His Righteousness that transplants His thoughts into ours. His Word is Truth and we either believe or we do not.
To disregard or treat Torah as trivial, gone, history, just because we do not understand it straight out is dangerous. He tells us that His thinking and ways are not ours and I believe it is futile not to believe this (Isaiah 55:8, Jeremiah 29:11, Micah 4:12).
The language
When we change words inadvertently we can add or subtract, give different and assumed meanings that were not intended in the original context by the speaker. Ask anyone who has been misquoted or misrepresented by another taking their words out of context.
When we are born from the beginning we are told that we will speak with renewed tongues (Mark 16:17). No longer are we in the world therefore, a change of language is a necessity.
His, Elohim’s language is foreign to us unless Aramaic and Hebrew are your native tongue. As Nicodemus found that even though Aramaic/Hebrew was his native tongue, he still did not understand the meaning of what was being said. It is not good enough just to be able to understand the language it needs to be spiritually discerned. Double the fact that the Greek language has been added into the mix and some treat it as the original language. Enriching or confusing? Again, we need to go back to the beginning with Him to spiritually discern what He is actually saying and He chose Aramaic/Hebrew language to do so.
It is His grace that enables us to understand this.
- We need to adjust our language and speech to come into order with His.
- No longer using language that suits us but listening to what His choice is
- Scripture says, it is a renewed tongue or language because
- is the Ruach hakodesh (Spirit of YHVH) who gives the utterance (Acts 2:12)
- Pentecostals take ‘speaking in tongues’ to mean ‘babbling in the Holy Spirit’ .
- That is an unknown tongue that no one can understand only God
- Some could assume it is Latin but, Latin is a dead language that Elohim would not use because He is a living entity
Of necessity the change of language brings a change of names. What we call common names no longer suit because they are worldly and foreign to Elohim, He says, He will not change His Word or His Mind, about this matter.
I have dropped commonly used names because they are superimposed over the original and accepted as correct and to me that is misleading. Many ‘names’ are called after false deities and so by retaining them in our speech, our speech remains corrupted. Whilst we (collectively) might give them meaning, is Elohim in accord with this? Scripture says, we will change, days, times and other things but He does not sanction them.
As difficult as it is to get used to the changes; the words sound strange in our mouth and ears, however, by constantly using them it returns us to our renewed nature. So what I have written, using the original Names, to the best of my knowledge is hopefully helpful to you in your transition. Below is a chart that explains the substitute words in contrast to the original with Scripture reference.
Common names used in the Bible Scripture verses Original names written in Scripture
God is originally called Adonai, ha Shem, the Name, Lord, Creator
El, Eloah, Elohim, Master, YHVH, Yah, Mar-yah, Father i.e. Abba, Creator, the Potter
The Set-apart One, YHVH is the Mashiyach
Exodus 20:3-7 speaks against altering who He is, by word, action or deed
The Son of Elohim is commonly called Jesus, Lord
Son of Elohim original name is Yeshua, the Arm of Elohim, He is the creative force of YHVH (Proverbs 8), the Word made flesh, the Miltha (the Substance, Word,Manifestation of Elohim), Our Father YHVH Jesus Christ, the Anointed one
Spirit of God is originally called the Ruach hakodesh, Spirit of Elohim,
the Spirit of YHVH, the Set-apart Spirit, the Wind of Elohim, the Breathe of Elohim
Since the introduction of Greek he is called the Holy Spirit. The circle of light around his head the halo, is referencing the sun that was greatly worshiped. In Egypt Pharaoh was called Ra the sun god. In Roman times Constantine was also a sun worshiper. The Spirit is a reference to a ghost explaining the supernatural. As we know neither Elohim or Yeshua were ever portrayed as ghosts as that referenced a dead person.
This list is by no means exhaustive as titles, roles and other descriptive words of His works add to the volume of who He is.