Illustrative Choice For Book Cover Explained
The book, ‘Keys to Unlocking Biblical Faith – Who are You, God?’ is a short, apologetic work written by myself, about …
Renewed from death to life
beginning of changes When we are born from above we are told we are new creations and everything about us is changed. However, it…
The Enigma of Faith
Second part of Salvation The word faith is bandied about amongst those who say they believe in the Bible but with little understanding of…
Deep calls to deep
Any understanding of Scripture through the Set-apart Spirit or the Ruach ha Kodesh is of a deep nature because “His thoughts are higher…
Mashiyach inheritance
When John was put in prison he asked this question of Y’shua, “Are you the Coming One or do we look for another?” Clearly all of…
Evidence of salvation
Part 4 of Salvation 1 John 1:3,6“And by this we know that we know YHVH , if we guard His commands. The one who says ‘I know Him’ and…
Test all things
One of the first things that was said to us in Bible College is that what we would be taught is not exactly in the Scriptures! Rather by…
Kristianity Revealed
The origin of the name Mashiyach There has always been a Mashiyach in Scripture from Adam to Yeshua and its origin is Elohim and passed…
The Likeness and Image of Elohim
In creation Gen 1:26a says, “And Elohim said, “Let us make man in our image according to our likeness.” Gen 2:15-25 Then Adam was…
I am a person who has followed instructions from books very carefully and thereby learned and acquired skills and prowess I would not ordinarily have. I have been doing just that with The Olive Tree Connection in OZ with beautiful results and much progress. Thank you so much for this excellent book and Course. Everything you say in the book is not only perfectly understandable to me, but taking me in an intensely positive new direction, physically, and in every other way, and I thank you for that very much.
I took on The Olive Tree Connection in OZ practice two years ago and I consider it the protector of my energy. I am a psychotherapist so I have to process a lot, and I can say without a doubt that The Olive Tree Connection in OZ plays a foremost role in keeping me clear, fresh, and joyful.