Deep calls to deep

Any understanding of Scripture through the Set-apart Spirit or the Ruach ha Kodesh is of a deep nature because “His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways are not our ways” (Isaiah 55:9).

Alternatively it could be said that the Set-apart Spirit of Elohim YHVH calls to our spirit, saying, ‘come and know the truths of YHVH our Elohim.’ We miss the teaching because we listen to those who say our understanding of Scripture depends on the person who interprets it. To say that is your opinion. To me it is a feeble reply for lack of knowledge.

  • We are to be one with Him as he prayed to our Father before offering his life for our sin. Of course we are individuals but we are ‘one’ in Him as he is with the Father (John 17:21). If as we say we are in ‘Christ who is Messiah YHVH revealed in His Son then why do we not do the things he demonstrated e.g. Shabbat keeping because Y’shua is the Master of Shabbat (Matthew 12:8)? Mark 2:27 says,“The Shabbat was made for man not man for Shabbat.”
    Shabbat is the major sticking point between those who should be as 1 Timothy 4:6b says, “Being educated in the language of faith and good doctrine which you have been taught.” Bible colleges do not teach Torah because understandably we cannot teach what we do not know or understand. “Not one jot or tittle (of His Word) will pass away” (Matthew 5:18, Luke 16:17).
    Superficial understanding will always leave us wondering and will never attract the deep truths of His Word. Unbelief in His Scripture is the reason we are cast away from His presence.
  • Being unified in common doctrine of the time is not a safety net because “He who is with us is greater than he who is in the world” (1John 4:4b). Worldliness is not of any impression to Father YHVH. There is no safety in numbers, that is herd mentality like lemmings. Yet, Y’shua is the one who stood against the tide of power over the masses that keeps people in bondage. “YHVH Elohim sent him, Yeshua in to the world to overcome it (John 17). Why is squabbling over differences of opinion acceptable but frustrating and incredibly dissatisfying when togetherness on searching out Scripture of the Truth is not acceptable?
  • Torah was and still is the school teacher for His doctrine. If all you see is Law then the spiritual aspect has been missed. That is a deep truth.
  • Y’shua says that way is broad and many are on that road but the ancient path is narrow and few find it (Matthew 7:13).
  • Physicality alone obeying Torah is futile and cannot be done, for even Torah says itself that knowing Torah cannot save you (Hebrews 10:1). Obedience to the Word is better than sacrifice. It is by obedience that we come into the deep spiritual things that are truth of Elohim. 2 Corinthians 10:4 says, “For the weapons we fight with are not fleshly but mighty in Elohim for over throwing strongholds, overthrowing reasonings and every high matter that exalts itself against the knowledge of Elohim taking captive every thought to make it obedient to Messiah and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is complete.” We overcome by the power of His Word that will liberate our spirit, soul and body.
    Psalm 42:7 says, “Deep calls to deep as the sound of Your waterfalls.” Words have been likened to the roar of thunder (Psalm 22:1). “His Words uphold all things by the Word of His power” (Hebrews 1:3). His Word washes over our soul and mind, like great waterfalls that cleanse and build us into Set-apart faith.

How many times have I heard the lament of Christians, “I need/want/desire to know the deep things of God. How do we ‘get’ these deep things because truly, they are a mystery?

I too fell into this category because it is a trap with a deep pit. Until He opened my eyes and I decided that it is the Word of Elohim that calls to the deep longing of our soul. Not tingling of the skin, goosebumps or emotional feelings but facts straight from the mouth of YHVH.

Luke 18:18 At times we can be like the ruler who said he followed faithfully the teaching of Torah until Yeshua told him to sell everything and then come and follow him. He asked, “What must I do to inherit everlasting life? “ Yeshua said, “ Give everything away…” Y’shua’s word must have jolted and frightened him because “he said, I followed every Scripture since I was young.” Yet I cannot help but think if he truly believed and acted on every Word of Elohim he would not have turned away discouraged, rather he would have rejoiced.

The ruler equated his riches to knowledge, money, status, and earthly, fleshly things

rather than spiritual things.

Faith is superficial until we actually start to listen, believe and act on what He is saying. How often do we hear a Scripture and because of our predetermined understanding of ‘questionable doctrine’ be it church, friends or opinion we dismiss it as having been assumed done or understood. Yet in truth, we make through our unbelief null and void the Word of Elohim. It is our unbelief that keeps us from the kingdom and sours our relationship with Father.

Let us pray always

Psalm 119:18 “Open my eyes that I might see wondrous things from your Torah.”

Thank you Father

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