Illustrative Choice For Book Cover Explained

Illustrative Choice For Book Cover Explained


The book, ‘Keys to Unlocking Biblical Faith – Who are You, God?’ is a short, apologetic work written by myself, about my spiritual quest to understand exactly who this amazing, deity is. This image sets the tone of my book and is the closest picture that I could find to what I am trying to portray. It is Bruce Rolf who created this image that is listed on Shutterstock. It is called ‘soul, aura, coming out of space.’ The illustration is set against the background of a spiral galaxy in the cosmos. Scripture tells us that the same El who created the heavens also created humankind. It is He who set the stars in place and bought forth light. Always to me, the heavens are filled with movement, not just the rising and setting of the sun and moon or the world spinning on its axis. This illustration suggests lots of animation with depth of movement; unseen interaction all around us, as the Spirit hovers (Genesis 1:1-5; 26).
Also, it is suggestive of an ethereal being who has passed from death to life. Therefore, it takes a bodily form of a human. This suggests an outline of what I can imagine is a spiritual being; for we live on after death in a changed capacity. Perhaps not looking as we were in this material world, whilst alive and living on earth. But now, changed from a person of flesh with our sin damaged soul to a spiritual being whose soul was cleansed in the twinkling of an eye. As Rav Shaul said, “For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know, as I also have been known” (1Corinthians 13:12).

Y’shua appeared in His risen form but was not immediately recognised (Luke 24:35-44) in His new form.  Yet clearly, He manifested as a human among humans identifying as such yet with a difference.

That which is now an obscured by sin and imperfect the vision of our new reality will become clear in time.

This spirit/soul being is depicted as being outside of our every day, accessible world, not wandering or lost.  Neither disappearing into the cosmos nor, becoming one with it. Rather, as one who is waiting patiently for the next event to unfold. I get a feeling of intent and expectation from this image that has a head, a heart, and a spine.

We are always described as earthly beings never crossing species with unclothed spirits. We follow after our own kind.  We do not become heavenly angels, who are, messengers of El. Although, this is sometimes portrayed as a romantic, comforting, and loving explanation to children who have lost a parent at an early age. Perhaps said in ignorance meaning no harm, but to calm emotional stress. Neither are we fallen angels, devils, or stars after death.  Nevertheless, this notion that is never scriptural. Angelic hosts and stars are already a separately created species and host. Rather, we are to be ‘like Him before sin entered our soul.’ As Y’shua is the Word of Elohim that became flesh so to we, become like Him after our sinful flesh is discarded, returning to sinless, spiritual beings. “For He knows the way I take.  When He has tried me, I would come forth as gold” (Job 23:10).

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