The New Covenant tells us that at the time when Y’shua laid down his life, “that the old things had passed away and that all things had become new.”
The act of becoming new is renewed. Not replaced, patched up but updated.
What exactly is the ‘old’ and what is the ‘new’ ?
Given that the book of Hebrews is all about the changing of the priesthood that which was old and growing aged was now to disappear (Hebrews 8:3). No more were the blood of bulls and goats acceptable sacrifices and the practice was made redundant because now we had a Great High Priest that could enter into the presence of YHVH as needed without the threat of death, as Ahron did.
Straight after the golden calf incident Moshe was given a set of regulations to teach the people the acceptable way to order their lives. These Laws are commonly understood yet rejected by a lot of people who choose to live without Law. Fair enough. This episode was akin to Adam disobeying the Word of Elohim in the garden. So the severity of their punishment for the breaking the first three commands was swift and appropriate.
Did Y’shua and Rav Shaul, Peter, John, James and all the other writers of commentary in New Testament disregard the Law? Heaven forbid! Said Rav Shaul. Indeed he was blessed because in Romans 5:13 he says, “For until the Torah sin was in the world, but sin is not reckoned when there is no Torah.’
Also in Romans 7:7 “What shall we say? Is Torah sin? Let it not be! However I did not know sin except through the Torah. For also the covetousness I knew not until Torah said, ‘thou shall not covert.’
On one hand we have the Torah that is good , true and righteous and yet it is said to be done away with! Both cannot be true. Moshe wrote out the Covenant and the Law. Both statements are true. If Torah is ‘done away’ with then we have no Mashiyach. No Mashiyach means no salvation and no hope.
- It is only the priesthood that changed not the moral law (Hebrews 7:17-20)
- The Moral or Royal Law is of Mashiyach
- Confusion comes with not knowing the difference between the Covenant of Promise and the Sinai Law.
- A change in the priesthood went from physical, that is, of ‘the flesh’ to ‘spiritual’.
- The Spiritual Law is detailed from Genesis 1:1 to Exodus 24:9
- Sinai Law came after the golden calf incident