Test all things

One of the first things that was said to us in Bible College is that what we would be taught is not exactly in the Scriptures! Rather by church interpretation of doctrine concepts may be implied to make sense of Scripture because they (the college) would teach us. For example: the idea of Trinity, Gentile Church, Sunday worship are a few to mention that are common enough to be singled out and understood by many. None of these concepts are actually found in Scripture.
These suppositions are neither mentioned, accepted, implied or taught by the author Himself who is the Creator of the

Universe. They are foreign to His word. Therefore, it is no longer His word. It becomes ours.

Biblical Faith

Rav Shaul also known as the Apostle Paul (it is not clear to me when this change of name happened) makes a very positive statement in 2 Timothy 3:16, “All Scripture is breathed out by Elohim and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for setting straight, and for instruction in righteousness.” The Creator is the Author and Finisher of Scripture, the Written Word. Biblical faith does not originate with us, it comes from Himself. He gives His Word to us that we may understand this world and what He has planned for us. In another place He says, “Do not add or take away from my word from this book ” (Revelation 22:18: Deuteronomy 4:2).

When we by-pass, disagree, become defensive and dismiss His word because we disagree or are uncomfortable with it, ignore it or replace it because some heretic, theologian, pastor or man is saying otherwise, “we call Him a liar and his word is not in us.” (1 John).

By changing His word through taking it out of context, leaving off the beginning or ending of a Scripture text or passage, using it to our advantage through any manipulation of church doctrine or people, we actually invalidate it, and it is bought to nothing and it is useless to us. By breaking the first 4 commandments we immediately exclude ourselves from His kingdom(Exodus 20).

The Word is acceptable to Him only as it is written

One Book
Scripture is what is commonly known as Torah, the Old Testament, the Pentateuch , the writings of Moshe that are the first five books. Revelation of Scripture develops as it follows the history of His people through prophets, priests and kings. Words of wisdom and inspiration through psalms and proverbs is the only teaching given until the time of the New Testament, that is, the Brit ha dasha or The Renewed Covenant.

Scripture is the teaching on Covenants and related issues. It is not a testament as if someone has died and left a will. A Covenant made by or with Elohim is binding until His prearranged changes are implemented. A clear reminder when Yeshua says, “My word shall not pass away. Not one jot or title.” Even when the heavens are rolled up like a scroll and the New Earth descends His Word will never pass away.

When we hear and do Scripture then we are starting to build trust that is based on a solid foundation. Then we can be brought up by the Father and not like Topsy as the story goes, ‘who was dragged up by the hair on her head.’

If we are truthful with ourselves we are all Topsy’s because we are not bought up in the one household of belief, that is, the Father’s house. We all must learn His ways of Righteousness because we, like David are all are born in sin

(Psalms51:5). Most parents raise their children according to their customs of nationality, religion, traditions and culture not usually according to the actual Word of Elohim. If we think we are born in right standing, Scripture states, we need to be “born not of the desire of the flesh or blood of natural family but of His desire, the will of the Father “ (John 1:13). Born from the beginning is the actual quotation. Yet most have no idea of the beginning of Elohim’s words.

Many of us start from where we have ‘landed’’, that is, come into the story line that stretches from our human beginning to eternity which means all the basic teaching and direction of YHWH have been missed and need to be learned.

The Torah was written for our learning to guide us by teaching, direction and culture of the Kingdom of Elohim. It gives essential guide posts and signs and if we miss them we are lost.

What is acceptable and what is not?

It is highly unfortunate that ignorant men at some point decided that we did not need to know Torah because it was past history. Done, dusted and no longer relevant or pertinent to the cause of ‘faith’. It is man’s decree that we now had it all.

But what do we have?

When we take it upon ourselves to supersede the Word of YHWH immediately we are in all sorts of trouble. We dismiss ourselves from ‘rightly dividing the Word of YHWH” (2 Timothy 2:15). The Covenant of Promise is annulled by us! How can we believe or disbelieve in the Word of YHVH when we do not even know what it is?

The church fathers teaching from 325CE

  •  Marcion taught that the “God of the Old Testament is harsh and cruel” whilst in the New Testament ‘he’ the Son is loving and accepting etc… He, JC freed us from the Law, we no longer follow Judaism. We make our own interpretation acceptable to gentiles. This last statement is worn thinner than a whisp and as fragile as our passing breath. It is non negotiable to change or challenge our thinking.
  •  Ignatius outlawed Judaism declaring that unless JC is revered as our bishop or lord they are dead and will remain in their graves.
  •  Tertullian coined the word trinity and was unimpressed by gentiles joining with Jews. These three imposed heretical views are, non Torah understanding and immature thinking giving misdirection to the Word of YHVH. Their teachings basically founded the modern Christian church and are enshrined today in various forms of christian doctrine. There is a mountain of information to be found on the world wide web.

It is unfortunate that at the end of the 1st century that bias, prejudice and antisemitism produced short cuts and wrong teaching that was accepted over time. Namely, concepts I named in my opening paragraph. By the year 325CE the Church Council in Nicaea decided to take Greek, Roman (Gentile) teaching and influence, over that of Aramaic or Hebrew in which the Word was delivered.

It was also decided that Torah was irrelevant. No longer necessary for spiritual nourishment because they now had ‘have control over the word of YHVH.’ Where do we think spiritual nourishment comes from?

The transition from material to spiritual
To have a spiritual experience is not uncommon. However, we need to transition from soulish thinking to spiritual thinking in order to understand the Kingdom of Elohim.

To transition from soulish thinking and living to spiritual is essential to be ‘born from above’’. This is the first step to Covenant with YHVH through the sacrificial blood of His Son.

The difference between the two definitions is this. YHVH’s mercy does not treat us like we deserve because his Son accepted and took the world’s punishment for sin upon himself. When we accept Yeshua’s sacrifice then we receive Truth and Grace that is, the empowerment to live according the His Word, so we do not die in our sins. I know it is accepted as fact that we live in His grace. However, I disagree because I believe that we live in His mercy.

Mercy is not receiving punishment for what we deserve

Grace is the empowerment to live a righteous life

The Fear of YHVH is to accept and keep the first 4 commandments

Never postulate that we are ‘born from above’ until that spiritual experience is tested. Elohim tests everything to see if it is good and we are required to do the same.Evidence of being born from The beginning, the above Some things will be self evident when according to Torah, we are born from the beginning because we will be empowered to:

  • Test the spirits “Beloved ones, do not believe every spirit, but prove the spirits, whether they are of Elohim, because many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1 John 4:1). If a spirit leads us away or rejects Torah it is not of Elohim. If a prophet speaks contrary to Scripture then what he speaks is false and not of Elohim
  • Keep Shabbat on the 7th day of the week. It is a day for divine, required communication; a moed.
  • It is the one day occurring weekly when the eternal breaks through to the temporal
  • “The Son of Adam is Master of the Shabbat “(Luke 6:5)
  • Our spirit cries out to be in obedience to the Word of YHWH and His Spirit will take us directly to Torah for instruction. Then we know we have the Set-apart Spirit
  • Our spirit cries “Abba Father” “And because you are sons, Elohim has sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying Abba Father “ (Gal 4:6). No longer do we know Him only by His titles, of which He has many but intimately know Him as the lover and creator of our souls; our Father. We call Him by His Name not title because we have a relationship happening
  • Now you are no longer excluded from the citizenship of Israel and stranger to the covenants of promise (Ephesians 2:12).

Let us make sure we are not running our race in vain

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