In creation
Gen 1:26a says, “And Elohim said, “Let us make man in our image according to our likeness.”
Gen 2:15-25 Then Adam was created in the image of Elohim and Eve was brought forth from his rib and they both were created in the image and likeness of Elohim.
Genesis 3:3-7 They were forbidden to eat from the Tree of Life in the center of the garden. Yet, in disobedience they did and eat of this fruit and changed their situation.
- The word image means it is an exact replica of the original i.e. a mirror
- The word likeness means of the same character or nature
- These two words are not interchangeable
This disobedience led to them suddenly realizing they were both naked and they were ashamed and hid from Elohim in the garden as He came looking for them.
Everything has consequences of equal and opposite reaction and this act of disobedience caused our state of being to alter.
- No longer were they the same as their creator in image or likeness because sin had entered their lives and they became something quite different because they had lost their spiritual covering.
- As we now know DNA is the blueprint to identify humanity showing differences between animal, plant, virus, fungal and bacteria
- They tried to cover themselves with leaves, without success. Flesh can never substitute for spirit
- They were told to procreate; to have children. Thereafter, every child would be born in their image and likeness of flesh not Elohim’s
- Every child born after that incident was born in sin simply because the nature of mankind, their DNA was now the propensity to sin, being impure and severing spiritual connection to Elohim who is pure. The evidence of this change is, their first child Kain murdered his brother Hevel (Able).
- Because they had not understood what they were doing; the ravages of sin, never experiencing separation from Elohim they unwittingly changed the dynamic of who they were and their future
Simply put, they had also inherited a new father , the deceiver who enticed them to sin and really could care less about them. Also, he had no ability to reverse the situation, not that he ever wanted to. He wants us to be and stay like him; separated forever from our Creator, Elohim, YHVH and the lover of our soul.
Rather than allow Adam and Eve to stay in the Garden in Eden where the Tree of Life was central, they were locked out. Lest in their sin they eat of eternal life and live forever in their sin.
This is fortunate for mankind because we now have the choice to change back to the original DNA by using the means provided. ‘It is not of ourselves lest any man should boast.’
When we accept His Son, our Redeemer, our intention is accepted as sincere by YHVH and the ungodly, fleshly garment we try to cover ourselves with is exchanged for the garment of righteousness that separates us from sin. Our sin and its stain are removed by our exercise of repentance through faith by belief and trust that YHVH is able to do this. And He does.
The promise of restoration is also in Chapter three of Genesis verse 15 that says, “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed. He shall crush your head and you shall crush His heel.”
Redemption begins with our image
In order to experience any change to our DNA it must occur through a spiritual dynamic. Elohim choose to make a covenant with our father Abraham that not only involved our flesh but our spirit also (Genesis 15). It is this blood covenant that becomes evoked when we accept the role of His Son standing in our place and taking our punishment upon himself (Isiah 53:4-5,10-11). Continuing Scripture says,
“But YHVH was pleased to crush Him, He laid sickness on Him, that when He made Himself an offering for guilt, He would see a seed, He would prolong His days and the pleasure of YHVH prosper in His hand. He would see the result of the suffering of His life and be satisfied. Through His knowledge My righteous Servant make many righteous and He bears their crookednesses.”
It was YHVH who crushed His Son with the weight of our sin and sickness, it was not Satan as is popularly taught and thought. However, “because He poured out His being unto death, and He was counted with the transgressors, and He bore the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors.”
It is sin that causes our sickness and disease of our spirit, soul and body. Yet, Scripture says, “that by His stripes we are healed.” It is His blood that removes our sin and its stain and the restoration process begins.
There is no microwave theology but with Father YHVH constantly refining and working on our belief system is that which makes further changes to our likeness and brings us closer to His Likeness
Recognition of sin
Psalm 51:3 “For I know my transgressions, and sin is ever before me.”
Psalm 51:5 “See, I was brought forth in crookedness and in sin my mother conceived me.”
Psalm 58:3 “The wrong have been estranged from the womb. Those who speak lies go astray from birth.”
Though we are all born in innocence having done neither right or wrong our DNA is faulty. Nothing of our own doing nor can it be seen under a microscope, because it is spiritual and that is why we are given opportunity by Elohim to change it.
James 1:17-18 says, “Every good and perfect gift 1comes down from above, from the Father of Heavenly Lights2with whom is no changing, not even a shadow of change, He saw fit and gave us birth to us by the Word of Truth.3
Verse 21 speaks of the Word of Elohim “being implanted in our nature which is able to resurrect our souls.” It is changes to our soul that brings us into the Likeness of Elohim
- There are a myriad of gifts given to us, not always boldly ‘in our face’ but subtle and gentle and each one must be searched out and explored individually to even understand the changes within our selves
- James is not speaking of the heavens we can see and send rockets through space but a higher Heaven from where Elohim dwells.
- The Word of Truth is Torah and are the Words of Elohim
The beginnings of change – know your enemy
We are given peace from Yeshua ha Mashiyach when our spirit is transformed from death to life and James continues with the first evidence.
Verse 19-20 says, “And you all be, my beloved brothers, quick to hear and slow to speak, and slow to anger. For the anger of man does not result in the righteousness of Elohim.”
Anger is opposite to peace and involves of host of tentacles. In Titus 1:5, 7b Rav Shaul (Paul) says, that he left Titus in Crete that “he might regulate the things deficient and appoint elders. Not Self willed, not hot tempered, nor excessive in wine, nor with hands quick to strike, nor a lover of base gains.”
Anger is a very strong emotion and is motivated by fear that is in anticipation or awareness of danger, unpleasant situations, not giving nor leaving any happiness or peace. The soul becomes wrathful, painfully inflamed and entertains bitterness of varying degrees, varying from vexation, irritation to downright nasty. Anger is a loss of control over our emotions.
Mediocrity and hypocrisy are differing outcomes that cripple of our best effort. Angst, anxiety, anguish, mental distress, and torment that cause consternation and confusion. These emotions inhibit action by paralysis, panic, terror and horror and lead to dismay that is a loss of courage (Yehoshua 1:3,5-9).
The defilement of man
Yeshua and any counselor will tell you that the results of extreme anger can be murder (Matthew 15-10). We may not physically commit murder but our soul becomes twisted with jealousy as with the religious leaders whose fear precipitated the scourging of Yeshua and death on the stake. We want to hurt people as we feel hurt and pain, that is a result of, retaliation of anger.
Fear of man
This is not viewed as a healthy fear. We are told to Fear YHVH and Him only (Matthew 10:28). This is a subject expanded and found in another paper I will write on.
Three times Yehoshua is told to be “strong and courageous” and “not to depart from the Book of Torah, but to meditate on it day and night and guard to do according to all that is written in it” (Yehoshua 1:6-7,9). What is written in the Book is what will make us strong and courageous because as He was with Moshe so He is with us.
Y’shua whose name is a shortened version of Yehoshua, tells us of His namesake, a type, who is Mashiyach and will only be with those whose likeness and image are in Him.
Modern theology teaches a microwave theology that is founded outside of Torah.
They are not ashamed to proclaim that they are lawless, that is, against the law (anti-no mos). Yet, loudly I quote, “Every place on which your foot shall tread, I (YHVH) have given it to you.” We cannot have it both ways. My question to those who discard Torah is this, by whose word do you live?
1 Peter 1:2 says, “To them who have been chosen, by the foreknowledge of Elohim the Father through sanctification of the Spirit, set-apart to obedience and the sprinkling of the blood of Y’shua the Mashiyach. Many grace and peace abound toward you.”